Selling During the Holidays

Are you considering selling your home during the holiday season? While putting your home on the market right now may have you feeling like Scrooge, it can actually be a great time to sell. The trick is to put yourself in the right frame of mind and to understand how to use the holiday season to your advantage. Here’s what you need to know about selling your home over the holidays.

Use holiday decorations wisely

One of the best reasons to sell during the holiday season is that you can capitalize on the cozy feeling that the holidays inspire. You can use tasteful holiday decorations on both the inside and the outside of your home to make it feel both warm and inviting. The key is to use these kinds of decorations in moderation. For the outside, stick to basics like potted poinsettias and a simple evergreen wreath for the door. On the inside, choose general winter decorations like pine cones and candles. A few decorations placed strategically throughout your home will create that feeling of coziness you desire.

Lighting is key

Make sure that all the interior lights in your home are working and that they are turned on during a showing – even during the day. Open all the curtains and let in as much natural light as possible. Outside, be sure that people have plenty of light to see driveways and sidewalks and that your front porch light adequately lights up the outside.

Great Photos and the Right Price

We’ll help you obtain fabulous photos of your home, inside and out, and we’ll help you set the right price. Both of these are really, really, important for a quick sale at the best price. We’ll also discuss other incentives you may wish to offer  such as paying towards repairs or closing costs.

Working with Honey & Company Realty

Honey & Company Realty is THE EXPERT in this market. We know the in’s and out’s, the up’s and down’s and the sideways as well. Don’t worry, we will make the process much less stressful for you. We’ll shoulder the load so  you can enjoy the holiday season, too!

We’re here to help!  Love, Honey







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